Monday, October 13, 2008

Friday Night Lights

Here I am spending 2 nights a week at a football game. Who would have thought. But I guess when the boys you are chasing are your sons it makes all the difference. Parker has spent so much time in the gym and has really developed some good muscle. He now looks 21 going on 15. He usually gets to play in the last quarter. Can't believe a young man with his strength and ability doesn't get more play time. But we hope he sticks it out and stays on for his JV season, I think he will really see some good play time. I really am bad at positions, but, he is defensive line right on the end. Usually gets a good block and moves right for the person with the ball, has gotten some really good sacks this season. I look forward to next season.

Now on to game two, (or three). Michael is on the JV team. He was one of the persistent ones. Not much play time as a sophomore, but here he is now getting in for about half of the game, and playing some in the last quarter of the Varsity game. So at times we have had 3 games in a week and then Parker is insistent that we need to go to a UTE game also. Michael plays defense also, as defensive back. He is pretty good at making sure he knows where the guy with ball is and not letting him get by. So for as much as I really don't like sitting, (especially in the cold) to watch a football game we have some pretty exciting Friday Night's, (and sometimes, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday also). Stick with it boys and enjoy it while you can!!!

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