Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy 19th Spencer

October 30 what a great day to have a Birthday! It was always fun for me to celebrate Spencer's birthday. You got to dress up and act crazy if you wanted and know body thought a thing of it. The decorations were always easy and cute, who can argue with Frankenstein and ghosts. He always asked for the grave yard cake. Except this year, no cake, "no cake for me he said. I always get the grave yard cake." So no cake it is, specially since he is away at school. First birthday away from home. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPENCER!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

9 to 5

Does any one agree that Monday is only the worst day of the week because it's the day we all return to work? So if your Monday was Tuesday would it hold the same dislike? Well I can tell you that no matter what the day, the return to work is hard no matter what the day of the week. I have a great job! I set my own hours (pretty much), I can call it off at any time (with in reason) and I really do love what I'm doing. I work in the water all day long, or not. I swim, I exercise, who gets paid to exercise, I do. I get to work with great people when they are feeling their best and recreating. I also can work with the cutest kids (for the most part, as kids go). I teach swim lessons to kids and adults, and I teach Water Aerobics. As a young person it was thought that I would be a secretary, book keeper or the like. Hated it, but I did it for awhile. Too many skirt chasers.

But my true love is my home and my family! So I put my all into it. I cleaned, I cooked (including desert every night) I sew, arrange flowers, learned to paint, crochet and knit. I groomed the yard and mowed lawns, planted flowers and vegetables. I can and prepared a storage,tried to do it all and do it at home. And I loved it. Then every one grew up, and I found that I had lots of time on my hands. I had no problem filling the hours, but, I felt guilty that I loved what I was doing and For so many years Jack had worked so hard to care for us. Now granted, now and then I did hold a few jobs. Usually long enough to get us out of debit, pay off the Dr. bills or buy transportation. But as soon as we could see daylight I was done and back to the job I loved.

The problem is now I really do have a job that I like, exec pt that it so physically demanding that there's no way I can do it full time. So for now I will do what I can and help bring in the bacon. And still have the advantage of being home also.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Long Days

We had Spencer home with us for the first time since August 15. We all had a long weekend over UEA. Except that Jack and I spent 14 hrs. of it in a car traveling and we still ended up at home! But we had Spencer and a few extra young men. What a long drive, made even longer by the fact the once we reached our destination we just turned around and did it all again. We hope that he will be coming home at Thanksgiving, and that it is some one Else's turn to drive. We enjoyed his visit though. We celebrated his birthday, partied, shopped and had family over for dinner! It's plain to see that we put a crimp in his style. College life agree's with him.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Date, Dance all first's

Alta Homecoming, first date, First dance, Michael did it all. It's not possible. Michael old enough to date! He's just a little guy! At 6 ft and 100 and something lbs. He really shot up this last year. And I literally mean shot up. At least 6 inches. I was beginning to think he was going to be our shrimp. (But I guess we won't have a shrimp, their all over 6 ft. except Dari.) Taller than dad and I and still growing. Ok so guess he really can be old enough to date, he sure looked fine and claims he had a good time.

Friday Night Lights

Here I am spending 2 nights a week at a football game. Who would have thought. But I guess when the boys you are chasing are your sons it makes all the difference. Parker has spent so much time in the gym and has really developed some good muscle. He now looks 21 going on 15. He usually gets to play in the last quarter. Can't believe a young man with his strength and ability doesn't get more play time. But we hope he sticks it out and stays on for his JV season, I think he will really see some good play time. I really am bad at positions, but, he is defensive line right on the end. Usually gets a good block and moves right for the person with the ball, has gotten some really good sacks this season. I look forward to next season.

Now on to game two, (or three). Michael is on the JV team. He was one of the persistent ones. Not much play time as a sophomore, but here he is now getting in for about half of the game, and playing some in the last quarter of the Varsity game. So at times we have had 3 games in a week and then Parker is insistent that we need to go to a UTE game also. Michael plays defense also, as defensive back. He is pretty good at making sure he knows where the guy with ball is and not letting him get by. So for as much as I really don't like sitting, (especially in the cold) to watch a football game we have some pretty exciting Friday Night's, (and sometimes, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday also). Stick with it boys and enjoy it while you can!!!